Programs & Downloads For ARS Members & Chapters
ARS Programs on DVD Library
DVD # |
Program & Description
PL 002 |
Garden Walks 2006 - Gardens visited during the joint convention of the ARS and ASA in 2006 in Rockville MD area.
Several gardens visited during the Joint Convention of the American Rhododendron Society and the Azalea Society of America in Rockville, Maryland, May 2006. Includes Marshy Point Nursery, U.S. National Arboretum, Hudgen’s garden ‘Fern Dell’, Ed and Mary Reiley’s garden, Mike and Deb White, Norman and Jean Beaudry’s garden and the McCrillis garden. Running time 37 minutes. |
PL 003 |
Frank Fujioka Program - Talk given in 2006 to the Societe Bretonne Du Rhododendron in France
Program presented to the Societe Bretonne Du Rhododendron in France. The program is about Frank's garden, hybrids, his hybridizing program and more. Modified with English translation as needed. Running time 37 minutes. |
PL 004 |
Elepidote Hybrids in Central NJ - Hybrids selected by the Princeton Chapter Study Group. Narration by Jerry van de Sande
This DVD program is about elepidote rhododendron hybrids that are proven good-doers in Central New Jersey selected by the Princeton Chapter Study Group. Descriptions written by members of the Study Group and narrated by Jerry van de Sande. Photography by members of the group. Hands-on information. Printout text including supplement data for meeting handouts. Running time 52 minutes. |
PL 005 |
Arunachal Pradesh, India - Narration by Ron Rabideau
Program based on Ron Rabideau's experiences when he joined an outstanding international group of plant explorers to Arunachal Pradesh in search of rhododendron species. The program consists of photos and videos from members of the expedition and also personal observations of the people and the culture there. Narration by Ron Rabideau. Running time 52 minutes. |
PL 006 |
The Zurich Garden - Narration by garden creator, Dr. William Zurich
This DVD program was created by ARSPL with Dr. William M. Zurich, Jr., who also did the narration. Bill shared his personal thoughts and design approach in the development of his rhododendron garden. Kenneth Cox., after viewing the Zurich garden. rated this as one of the finest private gardens in the East Coast. DVD record of a superb mature garden. Running time is 30 minutes. |
PL 007 |
Rhododendrons at the Golden Gate - 2007 Annual Convention with narration
Here are rhododendrons growing amidst palms with cycads, orchids, oranges! Rhododendrons grow amongst contemporary art, metal sculptures and pagodas. This DVD features 1) San Francisco's famed Golden Gate Park with its Conservatory of Flowers, Japanese Tea Garden, and the S. F. Botanical Garden at Strybing Arboretum. 2) Filofax House and Garden, 3) Bee and Paul Brown's garden, 4) The Tim Durant garden, 5) Dr. Burt and Belinda Brent's Scottish country garden. 6) Tom Jackson and Kathy Grant garden, 7) The Webber-Kessler garden, 8) Sonoma Horticultural Nursery, 9) The Château St. Jean Vineyard. With narration. Running time 39 minutes. |
PL 008 |
Rhododendrons in the Wild West - 2007 Annual Convention with narration
All narration recorded live on location, resulting in a spontaneous convention tour DVD. Gilcrease Museum Gardens and Rock Garden. Len Miller narrates at Lendonwood Garden, Elk Ridge, and the Tulsa Garden Center. Barry Fugatt, Director of Horticulture, guided the tour at Linnaeus Teaching Center. Breniss O'Neal talks about her "Forest Hollow Estate". Jim Baily narrates as the tour visited his garden. The Philbrook Museum of Art with its 16th century Italian Renaissance gardens. Two adjacent gardens of Jim and Madeline Osborne and Ronald and Annette Williams at the water's edge of Grand Lake. Running time 58 minutes |
PL 009 |
A Spring Walk in Walter's Woods - Spike and Kay Walters Garden in Western PA
This is a personal tour with Spike and Kay Walters in their natural woodland garden in Western Pennsylvania. This DVD is spiked with humor and interesting observations by Spike, who narrated and conducted the tour with Kay. The Walters are members of the Great Lakes Chapter. Running time 29 minutes. |
PL 010 |
Nepal: Our Ultimate Rhodo Flowering Experience! - Narration by Ian Chalk, Australia
This DVD was developed via the internet with Ian Chalk from down under. Ian is a member of the Emu Valley Rhododendron Society and the Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden, Burnie,Tasmania. Australia. Ian and his wife Jenny share their experiences while trekking through the world's largest rhododendron forest in Nepal. Ian narrates with insight and personal impressions. Summing this up is WOW! Running time 21 minutes. |
PL 011 |
Oban Scotland 1996 ARS Convention Revisited - Narration by Win Howe
Win and Anne Howe, of the Valley Forge Chapter, take us back to an extraordinary convention which attracted hundreds of attendees from all over the world. One of the best photo-documented garden tours: Stonefield Castle, Achamore House, Ardkinglas Woodland Garden, Mount Stuart House, Stirling Castle. After the convention Win takes us on a tour of Glendoick Gardens and Nursery, home of Peter and Kenneth Cox. All this in one DVD. Running time 36 minutes. |
PL 012 |
Pruning - Presented by Charles Feryok
Proper techniques of plant pruning, by Charles Feryok, of Grace Nursery, Hopewell, New Jersey. Running time is 26 minutes. |
To order: Download and fill out Order Form. Make check payable in U.S. Funds to: “American Rhododendron Society.”
Enclose check and mail to: Marvin Fisher, P.O. Box 108, Smithtown, NY 11787-0108
For foreign shipment & questions Email:
Downloads For ARS Members & Chapters
Index to Journal of the American Rhododendron Society Tables of Contents
The following are downloadable programs for members use and for chapter meetings. These programs have been donated to the ARS with the understanding that any honorarium would be donated directly the American Rhododendron Society. To make this easy, you may use either the Pay By Check or Pay By Credit Card options below.
Rhododendron Registration by Don Voss & Don Hyatt
Utilizing the expertise of noted taxonomist, Donald H. Voss, this PowerPoint presentation tries to illustrate the process one must go through to properly register an azalea or rhododendron. It illustrates many topics including flower, truss, and leaf types, as well as detailed examples on color evaluation. This presentation originated as a draft article by Don Voss. Don Hyatt suggested creating a PowerPoint presentation to be made available to rhododendron and azalea growers considering the naming of their cultivars.
It has lots of images to illustrate various concepts, and can be viewed as a full presentation suitable for a chapter program, or in smaller units that is easier for individual study. Below are the full PowerPoint* version, the four-part PowerPoint* version, a PDF** version and an Internet version that can be viewed in any browser.
When used as a program, the authors request any honorarium be donated to the ARS. When used for personal use, a small donation of $3-5 to the ARS would be appreciated.
Thoughts on Digital Photography by Don Hyatt
This is an enhancement of a program given originally at the 2010 ARS Convention on Long Island as an introduction to digital photography. Don illustrates many basic concepts including the relationship between shutter speed, lens opening and depth of field. He also discusses some elements of image composition as they relate to flower and landscape photography.
It has lots of images to illustrate various concepts, and can be viewed as a full presentation suitable for a chapter program, or in smaller units that is easier for individual study.
When used as a program, the authors request any honorarium be donated to the ARS. When used for personal use, a small donation of $3-5 to the ARS would be appreciated.
Rhododendron And Azalea Basics by Steve Henning
Steve was asked to do a program for the Kutztown Garden Club. He was a little embarassed that after creating and maintaining Henning's Rhododendron and Azalea Pages, that he didn't have a general program for groups with a wide range of interests like Garden Clubs. This is the result of his effort to create a 1 hour program that covers Rhododendrons and Azaleas from A to Z.
When used as a program, the author requests any honorarium be donated to the ARS. When used for personal use, a small donation of $3-5 to the ARS would be appreciated.
A handout for this program is Rhododendron And Azalea Basics Handout.pdf. Tutorial by Steve Henning
The website is designed to be easy to navigate. However to help introduce the site to new users and give them an added sense of confidence in using the site, I have prepared a tutorial that explores all of the nooks and crannies of the site and demonstrates the steps in making an online purchase. The Keynote version takes advantage of all transitions. The PowerPoint version and Online version have simpler transitions. The PDF version is a slide show with no transitions.
An flier is available ARSStore Flier.
Visit before making any online purchase.
Viewing PowerPoint and PDF Programs
PowerPoint programs are basically slide shows with sophisiticated transitions. A PDF program is just a slide show with no sophisiticated transitions.
Besides Microsoft PowerPoint, PowerPoint programs can be viewed in the free PowerPoint Viewer for Windows only, and Apple Keynote for Macs, iPods, iPhones, and iPads.
PDF slide shows can be viewed in Adobe Acrobat Pro, the free Adobe Reader, Apple Preview for Mac and iBook for iPods, iPhones, and iPads.
Keyboard Commands when Viewing Programs
Command |
PowerPoint, PowerPoint Reader & Keynote |
PDF Files: Acrobat, Adobe Reader & Preview |
Online Version: any browser |
Next Slide |
n, Return, Page Down, Right Arrow, Down Arrow, Spacebar |
Page Down, Right Arrow, Down Arrow, Spacebar |
Return, Page Down, Right Arrow, Down Arrow, Spacebar |
Previous Slide |
p, Page Up, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, Backspace |
Page Up, Left Arrow, Up Arrow |
Page Up, Left Arrow, Up Arrow |
Go To Slide No. |
(number) followed by Return, s to see no. |
(number) followed by Return, s to see no. |
Abort Full Page |
Escape or Hyphen (minus sign) |
Note: Touch screen devices like iPod, iPhone, and iPads don't use keyboards, but use sets of touch screen commands.
A PDF of the above chart of Keyboard Commands to use when viewing programs: Keyboard Commands.pdf
To Make Monetary Donations To The ARS
100% of all donations go directly to the American Rhododendron Society, less a small credit card fee. If you would like to make a contribution to the American Rhododendron Society, click on the DONATE button below or send in a check. Your donation will be made directly to the ARS.
Pay By Credit Card
To make a contribution to the American Rhododendron Society by credit card, click on the DONATE button below. Your donation will be handled securely by PayPal, an eBay company.
Please also send an email to so the donation can be confirmed.
Pay By Check
To make a contribution to the American Rhododendron Society by check, make your check out to "American Rhododendron Society" and mail to:
ARS Store, ℅ S. Henning
173 Deysher Road
Fleetwood, PA 19522
No fees are deducted when you donate by check.
All donations go directly to the American Rhododendron Society, an IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
To Donate A Download To The ARS
If you have a PowerPoint program suitable for an ARS Chapter Meeting and would like to share it online for other chapters to use, please contact Steve Henning at